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  • Beitritt 4. Juni 2024
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  • 22/CH/SG insta--> @lialeashi

  • Raikaslover I like Liss as well. I think she is a very strong person, choosing the hard life as an acrobat to keep her humanity is great. She seems to have an interesting back story. I am looking foreward to read more about her.

    What do you think about Warden?

    • FlakiM

      Although my absolute favourite books are all books where I adore the main charachter, I don‘t necessarily need to like them to like a book. I agree, that there are great books where the main character isn‘t supposed to be liked. However, for me to consider it a great book, the main character has to invoke some kind of feeling from me. It doesn‘t matter wether it‘s like, dislike, annoyance or the mixture of them all. But if a character leaves me indifferent throughout the whole book, then I usually don‘t enjoy the experience as much…

      • Jacqueline

        I have mentioned previously that there is no pressure to follow the schedule strictly. The date you are “supposed” to read the pages is merely the day we start discussing that part. It is more important that everyone enjoys the book!

        I am completely with you on the spicy part, it’s not really my thing either but I have to admit I am not sure anymore if the book has any spicy part in it? I do remember a romantic subplot but not quite sure how “far” they went 😃

        Fantasy books tend to have really complicated words and the tendency to over complicate simple sentences but Samantha Shannon does a pretty good job not to overdo it! It is also a fantastic opportunity to widen your english vocabulary so make sure to take notes!

        Generally speaking if anyone has troubles with definitions of words, feel free to add it to our discussion so we can all help each other! It’s an amazing learning opportunity for everyone 🙂

      • Hi everyone!! 🌻

        PLOT TWIST - It’s Me!!

        I am delighted that I got the opportunity to be your Host of this Booktalk! After a quick chat and a little bit of convincing with my irresistible charisma, I am able to (re-)read this amazing book with all of you together!

        These are our timestamps of the discussions:

        Week 1: We are reading up to page 173 until 27.06.

        Week 2: We are reading up to page 394 until 05.07.
        Week 3: Up to page 562 until 12.07.

        All that is left to say on my part is: Ready, set - Read!

        For those of you who already started 😉 I wanted to ask what you expecting from the story? Plot twists? Drama? Elaborate World building? Romance?? Gory Fights and hilarious skits?? Let me know! 😊

        • ElaBaer Unfortunately I am not part of this book club but your admin will tell you in which parts you will read the book and will usually also have questions or topics you can discuss for each part.

          Normally you start reading the parts on tuesday and the discussion will start on the following friday ☺️

          I hope you have fun and I wish you all a nice book club!

          • Vanillafaiiry Ich bin auch (wie @lialeashi) beim letzten Teil! Zwar noch ziemlich am Anfang aber ich will auch nicht, dass es vorbei ist! 😭 Absolute Lieblingsserie 😍, da es so viele Buecher sind kann man die Character auch super begleiten!

          • Hallo liebe Community,
            Ich bin im Fantasy-Genre neu unterwegs aber bin seit fourth wing total fasziniert davon.

            Fantasy ist wieder eine andere Art und Weise zum lesen.

            Habt ihr für mich gute Fantasy-Bücher-Tipps? 🙂 Danke euch!!