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  • Beitritt 8. Feb 2021
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  • Romantic-Fantasy; Klassische Romane; Sport-Romanzen oder Friends to Lovers ist auch immer gut :)

  • Ich wollte schon lange “Stolz und Vorurteil” von Jane Austen lesen.

    Das Buch ist schon ewigs in meinem Regal. Ich habe mehrmals damit angefangen aber habs nicht geschafft dran zu bleiben. Ich denke einen Klassiker wie diesen muss man gelesen haben.

    Wünscht mir viel Erfolg. 😊✨

    • Nach “Emith und der Herr der Farben” ist Anette Sorge mit dem zweiten Band der Colorania-Reihe erneut ein grandioses Buch gelungen.

      Im Gegensatz zum ersten Band begleitet man hier in der Hauptsache Nico samt seinen persönlichen Herausforderungen. Auch er bekommt mittlerweile Mails “aus Colorania”, weshalb man durch ihn auf Emith und Cynthia trifft.

      Beide Erzählstränge haben mich in den Bann gezogen und beide greifen perfekt ineinander und ergänzen sich. Die Erkenntnisse des einen werden beim anderen bildhaft dargestellt, was dabei hilft, dass auch Kinder besondere Botschaften der Bibel besser verstehen. Die ganze Geschichte ist fesselnd und hochspannend.

      In diesem Buch geht es um den Heiligen Geist, genauer um die Gemeinschaft mit Gott durch seinen Geist und der Tatsache, dass er uns als Helfer und Tröster gegeben wurde, der uns im Alltag begleiten möchte. Es wurde wunderbar hervorgehoben, dass wir selbst die Intensität dieser Gemeinschaft in der Hand haben. Mir hat es unglaublich gut gefallen und ich bin dankbar, dieses Buch gelesen zu haben. Es ist für Jung und Alt, jeder wird gepackt und sich dem Sog der Geschichte nicht entziehen können. Faszinierend ist auch die Kreativität, so ein komplexes und schweres Thema so leicht verständlich und gut in eine spannende Geschichte zu verpacken. Ich bin schwer begeistert. Meiner Meinung nach sollten noch sehr viel mehr dieses Buch lesen und natürlich den ersten Band, da sie doch sehr aufeinander aufbauen.

      Ganz große Kauf und Leseempfehlung.

    • So I finished the book last friday because I couldn’t stop reading. I feel like in the last fourth of the book there was a lot of “…and then THAT happens and then THAT happens and then…”, I felt like after the third curveball she threw I couldn’t muster the mental energy to be wow-ed by it, but other than that I really liked the book.

      I felt like the characters were multidimensional (even if Paige sometimes made me roll my eyes so hard) and the story was complex and well-told (although I feel like Ms Shannon should say somewhere at the beginning that there’s a glossary at the end). I especially liked Warden, which some of you would probably argue with me about 😃, and Julien. I especially liked that there were male characters that were just friends or part of the story who weren’t there just for drama tension triangle or whatever with the MC (which I found in a lot of romantasy and romance book which is why I quit reading romance books).

      I already started reading the second book, I hope it lives up!

    • Been making extremely slow progress on the book, literally just hit page 200. Hopefully I’ll find more time to read on a train ride tomorrow but so far I’m getting really sick of things happening to Paige instead of her actively doing anything.

    • Jacqueline I finished the second part.

      I think Warden and Paige is the ship for this book. And I hate them as a couple. Julian is more a blank side charakter and i even forgot who David is. Nick on the other hand… well if it did not happen yet, Paige will always be trapped in the dreaded friendzone 🤣

      I initially thought Jaxon could be an option but I doubt it. He will more likely end up as her enemy.

      • art3mi5

        I think the reason why voyants are considered unnatural will come out once we find out more about the rephs and their world. I think there is more behind scion than we think and it is just a farce for something.

        The same goes for why there are not more voyants at sheol 1, i think something happened there. I mean there must be a reason there are no older voyants in sheol 1.

        I agree that there are some plotholes as you mentioned, but I have a feeling that they‘re not really plotholes but misterys we haven‘t uncovered yet. But maybe I‘m wrong or just too hopeful. We will see 🙂

        • So ein wundervolles Buch. Ein Buch, das die Geschichte über Ruth und Naemi aus der Sicht eines kleinen Esels erzählt.

          Für mich war es das erste “Ließ mit mir - Buch” und ich mag das Konzept dahinter. Die Kapitel sind klar aufgeteilt und durchschnittlich etwa fünf Seiten lang. Dabei sind einzelne Sätze größer gedruckt, die von den Kindern gelesen werden, während der Rest vorgelesen wird, und es macht Spaß, dieses Buch gemeinsam zu lesen und die Geschichte mitzuerleben. 

          Beni der Esel, ist auf der Suche nach seinem Bruder und erlebt dabei mit seinen Herrinnen Naemi und Rut ein tolles Abenteuer, bei dem sie lernen, sich auf Gott zu verlassen und ihm zu vertrauen.

          Die Geschichte wird zwar nicht in allen Details und doch detailreich erzählt. Alles ist niedlich, herzerwärmend und lebendig beschrieben. Die Illustrationen gefallen mir sehr, denn sie sind zauberhaft und lassen mich lächeln.

          “Ruth findet ein neues zu Hause” ist ein ganz tolles Kinderbuch, das ich von Herzen empfehle und das auch Kindern Lust am Lesen macht. Zu zweit sind die meisten Dinge schöner, deshalb lasst uns mit unseren Kindern lesen, um sie für biblische Geschichten zu begeistern.

        • Hello everyone! I am stunned by how Samantha was able to create such a complex world that still makes sense! I love the connections between all the protagonists, but I must admit that Warden is my favorite. I also believe that he is the key to the story because he behaves so mysteriously. So far, I’m a huge fan of this book. I’ve already read some other masterpieces by Shannon, and it really takes some time to get to know her fantasy worlds. I’m looking forward to the end of this story! Hopefully, I will stay as engaged as I am right now.

          • I’ve caught up!

            I really like the writing style so far even though Ms Shannon wildly swings between info-dumping, and just fantasy-name-dropping things, people, and items (that I had no idea had an explanation in the apparent glossary at the end :'D).

            I find the Rephaim race and magic system very original, too! The way the magic system works reminds me of neurodivergent vs neurotypical people, too. Being marginalized for something they’re born with that is invisible…

            I find Paige as a MC fine, though her inability to shut up when it’d be important to is frustrating sometimes. Oh and also, wondering who will be her romantic interest is fun, will it be Julien, Warden or maybe even David? I would’ve liked Liss to be an option too though I’m guessing it’s gonna be straight romance

            • I have reached the second part, which took me a while. Maybe the load of info tires me to keep reading for longer. I don’t read the glossary either, this would only keep me up. I’m more interested in Liss and her story, or the Rookery.

              • Chiara_kiki

                I feel exactely the same. The first chapter I was just on for the ride 😂

                It was also one of the first times I actually used a glossary while reading a fantasy book because I didn‘t understand the system. I feel like I have the hang of it now though 😊

                I get the people who have a hard time, since it‘s a lot of info at once so it can be tiring to read, and paige also annoys me. But somehow the story still managed to pull me in completely 🙂

              • Hello everyone

                I finally had the time to finish the first part, and unlike some others, I really liked it. The first chapter was a fever dream, but that’s just me. I often struggle through the first chapter and don’t understand a single word. Are there others who feel the same way?

                But after the first chapter, I seemed to fly through the pages. I can’t say much about the characters, and I still don’t understand the magic system, but that’s okay with me. Every now and then I enjoy using my brain for a book. 😅

                • I’m super behind because work has been stressful so I’m not caught up to our shared goal yet, but I plan to make catch up on the weekend!
                  To answer Flaki’s question, I find it important to like the MC, I find it hard to enjoy the story and agree with their actions. The exceptions to this are rare and few inbetween, like f.E. Rin from The Poppy War (I do like to support women’s wrongs!)

                • FlakiM It really bothers me if I don‘t like the main character. Due to a busy week, I will have to start reading the book tomorrow, so I can‘t say whether I like this books main character yet. But if the main character annoys me, I get really frustrated and it‘s kind of ruining the book for me. Personally, good characters are just as important as a great plot for me.

                • FlakiM For me, that depends on the story itself, if it fits in and results in a coherent well- rounded package I might also like a badass main character. Like Paige in this case, I think having her less sarcastic would change the flow. Being obedient isn’t one of Paige’s traits, and it wouldn’t suit her, she likes confrontations too much. And why go the direct line when you can take a detour?

                  It took a while to get into the story, enter this complex magical world and get used to the writing, I’m glad the author offered some explanations about the most used magical expressions. So far it looks promising and suspenseful. It gets hard to stop reading.

                  As this is a revised version, I wonder what changes have been made.

                • Sarisa im on chapter 5 now i think and now getting pulled in by the story. i also have some trouble with the main character to be honest and hope that will change when i read more. since the story is only starting where i am at i have high hopes for it. so far i like the writing style and where the story is set. i havent read a fantasy book where the characters have the types of abilities they do here so im very curious to learn more about their powers and how they can use them.

                  • Jacqueline

                    I have mentioned previously that there is no pressure to follow the schedule strictly. The date you are “supposed” to read the pages is merely the day we start discussing that part. It is more important that everyone enjoys the book!

                    I am completely with you on the spicy part, it’s not really my thing either but I have to admit I am not sure anymore if the book has any spicy part in it? I do remember a romantic subplot but not quite sure how “far” they went 😃

                    Fantasy books tend to have really complicated words and the tendency to over complicate simple sentences but Samantha Shannon does a pretty good job not to overdo it! It is also a fantastic opportunity to widen your english vocabulary so make sure to take notes!

                    Generally speaking if anyone has troubles with definitions of words, feel free to add it to our discussion so we can all help each other! It’s an amazing learning opportunity for everyone 🙂