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  • Vielen Dank für all eure Bewerbungen! 📚 Gerne geben wir hier die 20 ausgelosten Gewinner:innen für die Leserunde «Onyx Storm» bekannt:
    @alisha1 @annfisch @Bookkringel @bookysoph @Flohreads @honey_ @KatrinK @Krisi99 @LadyCec @Lagadhema @Manug @Mary88 @momo99 @Nadine1401 @Nishaaaaaaa @Nuddle85 @Nuri_read @PfadiAvia @Sinalalala @takruesi

    Herzlichen Glückwunsch! Ihr alle seid Teil der Leserunde und werdet ein Leseexemplar zugeschickt erhalten. Eure Moderatorin wird die Leserunde in Kürze hier in diesem Gespräch eröffnen.

    Alle Leser:innen, die sich für die Leserunde beworben haben und kein Exemplar gewinnen: Ihr seid natürlich herzlich eingeladen, mit eurem eigenen Buch mitzulesen und euch auch in dieser Runde auszutauschen! ✨

    • The book club has already started.

      You find the exchange here.

      Application deadline: Tuesday, 18/06/23
      Duration: 3 weeks: 25/06-16/07/24
      Win 1 of 20 reading copies

      ✨ In dieser Leserunde wird der Roman in der Originalsprache Englisch gelesen und die Diskussionsrunde im Book Circle findet in englischer Sprache statt.

      Welcome to Scion. The year is 2059. For two centuries, the Republic of Scion has led an oppressive campaign against unnaturalness in Europe. In London, Paige Mahoney holds a high rank in the criminal underworld. The right hand of the ruthless White Binder, Paige is a dreamwalker, a rare and formidable kind of clairvoyant. Under Scion law, she commits treason simply by breathing. When Paige is arrested for murder, she meets the mysterious founders of Scion, who have designs on her uncommon abilities. If she is to survive and escape, Paige must use every skill at her disposal - and put her trust in someone who ought to be her enemy.

      For this book club we’re giving away 20 free reading copies of the novel, in cooperation with Bloomsbury.

      How to participate 🌠

      You’d like to read along and discuss the novel with other readers? Fill in this form and enter your postal address to apply for the book club to win one of the 20 free copies. By confirming the completed form you’re automatically in the run for a space in the book club.

      How the book club works 📖

      The number of participants is limited to 20 people. Participants will be selected at random. After the application deadline, the winners will be announced in a comment in this thread and will receive an email with further information.

      All confirmed participants will receive a free copy of The Bone Season. We’ll read and discuss the novel together. The exchange will take place in writing, in this forum discussion thread. After completing the book, all participants will write their personal review of the book here in the community.

      Conditions of participation ✏

      • Residence and valid postal address in Switzerland.

      • Time to read the book during the specified period and to actively participate in the discussion, in English.

      • Writing a personal review of the book at the end of the reading group on bookcircle.ch.

      • Agreement that the feedback from readers and the reading group will be shared with the publisher and may be used by the publisher for advertising purposes.

      More about the book 📖

      About the author  
      Samantha Shannon was born and grew up in West London. She studied English Language and Literature at Oxford. At the age of 21, she published her first novel.

      • Vielen Dank für all eure Bewerbungen! 📖

        Gerne geben wir hier die ausgelosten Gewinner:innen für die Leserunde «Die verlorene Tochter» bekannt:

        @Ayla75 @Boockpicker @Checca @Coni6 @Debi @Frau_Tee @giulyvxi @Hinkepunk @Jacqueline78 @Melina74 @michele60 @Mire-81 @Nian @Norgebarn @pawlowa696 @pr_motion @RamonaD @Saskia_W @takruesi @Trulla87

        Herzlichen Glückwunsch! Ihr alle seid Teil der Leserunde und werdet ein Leseexemplar zugeschickt erhalten. Eure Moderatorin wird die Leserunde hier in diesem Gespräch eröffnen.

        Alle Leser:innen, die sich für die Leserunde beworben haben und kein Exemplar gewinnen: Ihr seid natürlich herzlich eingeladen, mit eurem eigenen Buch mitzulesen und euch auch in dieser Runde auszutauschen!