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Hi everyone!!
PLOT TWIST - It’s Me!!
I am delighted that I got the opportunity to be your Host of this Booktalk! After a quick chat and a little bit of convincing with my irresistible charisma, I am able to (re-)read this amazing book with all of you together!
These are our timestamps of the discussions:
Week 1: We are reading up to page 173 until 27.06.
Week 2: We are reading up to page 394 until 05.07.
Week 3: Up to page 562 until 12.07.
All that is left to say on my part is: Ready, set - Read!
For those of you who already started I wanted to ask what you expecting from the story? Plot twists? Drama? Elaborate World building? Romance?? Gory Fights and hilarious skits?? Let me know!