The knive of never letting go is a terriffic start to a great Trilogy.
Todd Hewitt is the youngest and last boy to become of age in Prentisstown at almost thirteen years old. In a settlement where the women all fell ill and died and in a world where every thought a man utters is visible to everyone around him, it is hard to keep secrets from one another. When Todd finds a girl in the woods, his worldview gets shifted and to protect her from the Mayor they have to flee. A dangerous cat and mouse chase unfolds.
For me this book was an absolute pageturner, the way the chase was written is gripping. I especially adored the way the thoughts of certain characters reoccur, as thoughts sometimes do, and how some can utilise their ‘Noise’ ( thoughts) like a weapon to manipulate others with it’s repetition.
If you like dark distopian-esque childrens/young adult fantasy that doesn’t hold back it’s punches, this one is definitely a keeper.