like you I read (and listen) mostly in english. Except for german originals. I‘m native swiss, but was born and lived for the first eight years in Africa. When my family returned to Switzerland I refused to speak english anymore.
It was only when our son was grown up, that I started reading english books. With some difficulties at first. Now I often dream in english and when I search for a word, mostly the english term comes in mind first.
I‘m fond of Cozy Mysteries, family books, historical fiction and much more. No Thrillers or Fantasy, but I liked Harry Potter and Tintenherz-Trilogy
The best audiobook I listened to lately was ,Die Bibliothek der Hoffnung‘ - The little wartime library by Kate Thompson. For once in German because it was on skoobe
I list all my books in Excel, here (Annina58) and on goodreads (Annina)
I’m not good in writing reviews and mostly just rate a book
currently I‘m reading:
Pudding up with murder by Julia Buckley (on kindle)
A soufflé of suspicion by Daryl Wood Gerber (Hardcover)
Verstrickt nochmal - Mordversuch mit Tücken vom Mirjam Wiesemann (Tolino)
Lost books and old bones by Paige Shelton (audible)