Book Board
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Michel Faber
Das Buch der seltsamen neuen Dinge
Michel Faber
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Michel Faber
Under the Skin
Rodge Glass
Michel Faber
Michel Faber
Faber, M: Storie del petalo cremisi
Michel Faber
Faber, M: Pétalo carmesí
Michel Faber
Faber, M: Bajo la piel
Michel Faber
Faber, M: I gemelli Fahrenheit
Michel Faber
Faber, M: The Book of Strange New Things
Michel Faber
Michel Faber
Faber, M: Bliznieta Fahrenheit
Michel Faber
Fahrenheit Twins
Michel Faber
The Fahrenheit Twins and Other Stories
Michel Faber
Yagmur Yagmali
Michel Faber
Michel Faber
Some Rain Must Fall
Michel Faber
The Apple
Michel Faber
Crimson Petal And The White
Michel Faber
The Courage Consort
Michel Faber
D (a Tale of Two Worlds)
Michel Faber
The Fire Gospel
Michel Faber
The Hundred and Ninety-Nine Steps: The Courage Consort
Michel Faber
The Fahrenheit Twins
Michel Faber
Derinin Altinda
Susan Barker, J. K. Chukwu, Bridget Collins, Michel Faber, Lewis Hancox
Of the Flesh
Michel Faber
Libro de Las Cosas Nunca Vistas, El
Michel Faber
Derinin Altinda
Michel Faber
Ates Müjdesi
Collectif )
4 Letter Word
Beatrice Colin
The Glimmer Palace
Ela ¿pek Gündüz
Neo-viktorianische Kontexte in der zeitgenössischen britischen Belletristik
Charles Palliser
Jenny Erpenbeck
Bütün Günlerin Aksami
Word Jig: New Fiction from Scotland
Word Jig: New Fiction from Scotland
Gavin Chait
Chait, G: Lament for the Fallen
Aliya Whiteley
Skyward Inn
Rebels. David Bowie in 6 ritratti d'autore
Katy Darby
Darby, K: The Unpierced Heart
Philip Pullman
The Good Man Jesus and the Scoundrel Christ
Lidia Yuknavitch
The Book of Joan
Siôn Scott-Wilson
Some Rise By Sin
Siôn Scott-Wilson
Some Rise By Sin
Jadwiga Węgrodzka
Popular Genres and Their Uses in Fiction
Christina Haupt
The body and the construction of an identity in Michel Faber¿s "Under the Skin"
David Flusfeder
John The Pupil
Anthony Dobranski
The Demon in Business Class
Iain Reid
Reid, I: I'm Thinking of Ending Things
Celia Brayfield, Duncan Sprott
Writing Historical Fiction
Transforming Cities
Sam Guglani
Marie-Odile Pittin-Hedon
The Space of Fiction
Philippa Stockley
A Factory of Cunning
John Barlow
Eating Mammals
Ruth Bayer
Skipping To Armageddon
Glennis Byron
Melvyn Bragg, Simon Callow, Tracey Emin, Pete Townshend
A Love Letter to Europe
Susan Orlean
The Orchid Thief
Debra J. Rosenthal
Teaching the Literature of Climate Change
Debra J. (EDT) Rosenthal
Teaching the Literature of Climate Change
Lidia Yuknavitch
Yuknavitch, L: Book of Joan
Ela ¿pek Gündüz
Neo-Victorian Contexts in Contemporary British Fiction
Ron Rash
Above the Waterfall
Nick Cave
And the Ass Saw the Angel
David Shafer
Shafer, D: Whiskey Tango Foxtrot
Craig Taylor
New Yorkers
Jenny Erpenbeck
Not a Novel
Mark Z. Danielewski
House of Leaves
Ela ¿pek Gündüz
Contesti neo-vittoriani nella narrativa britannica contemporanea
Ela ¿pek Gündüz
Contextos neo-vitorianos na ficção britânica contemporânea
Ela ¿pek Gündüz
Les contextes néo-victoriens dans la fiction britannique contemporaine
Kendra Reynolds
The Feminist Architecture of Postmodern Anti-Tales
Maile Meloy
Both Ways Is the Only Way I Want It
John Mullan
How Novels Work
Michel Faber
Knjiga neobicnih novotarija
Michel Faber
Cartea Lucrurilor Noi si Ciudate
Niklas Natt och Dag
Dag, N: 1793: The Wolf and the Watchman
Marcus Sedgwick
Sedgwick, M: Mister Memory
Laura Barber
Barber, L: Penguin's Poems for Weddings
Brian Eno, Haifa Zangana, Harold Pinter, John le Carré, Michel Faber
Not One More Death
H. G. Wells
The Island of Dr Moreau
William Makepeace Thackeray
Vanity Fair
Claire North
The Gameshouse
Fabian Lukas
Monstrosity and Hybridity in Jonathan Glazer's "Under the Skin"
Yiyun Li
The Vagrants
Alexander McCall Smith
Heavenly Date And Other Flirtations
David Punter
Literature of Pity
Angus Cargill
Hang the DJ
Charles Palliser
The Quincunx: The Palphramonds
Dan Crowe
Dead Interviews
Peter Heasley
Under a Darkening Moon
Katherine Clements
The Painted Chamber (Short Stories from the author of The Crimson Ribbon)
Ambrose Parry
The Way of All Flesh
Gretchen Hummel
Cataclysm and Rebirth (Black Dreams, #1)
Lj Oliver
The Humbug Murders
John Wray
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