Love, Nina meets Black Books: a wry and hilarious account of life in Scotland's biggest second-hand bookshop and the band of eccentrics and book-obsessives who work there
'The Diary Of A Bookseller is warm (unlike Bythell's freezing-cold shop) and funny, and deserves to become one of those ...
Love, Nina meets Black Books: a wry and hilarious account of life in Scotland's biggest second-hand bookshop and the band of eccentrics and book-obsessives who work there
'The Diary Of A Bookseller is warm (unlike Bythell's freezing-cold shop) and funny, and deserves to become one of those...
Segodnya Uigtaun, raspolozhennyj v otdalennom ugolke SHotlandii, - mesto, kuda ustremlyayutsya knigolyuby so vsego mira. EHto proiskhodit blagodarya tomu, chto v 1998 godu Uigtaun byl provozglashen knizhnym gorodom SHotlandii nacional'nogo znacheniya, a v 1999-m nachal rabotu Uigtaunskij knizhnyj fe...