Everyone knows Colleen Hoovers Bestseller ‘It ends with us’. Some people like it and some don’t. Some say, she writes really good and some say there is too much spice.
Never Never is THE best Colleen Hoover book I have ever read and it definetly shows that an author, who mostly writes spicy, also can write lovingly and with no spice. I loved this book through and through. One little spicy scene but ALOT OF TENSION. To be honest if <ou want to read Colleen Hoover and you slowly want ot start in ‘the spicyhood’ then THIS is the perfect start for you.
A mistery story combined with a childhood best friends love story. But…one morning they are complete strangers…
‘Forgetting is terrifying. Remembering is worse…’
‘Always and forever’
‘Never Never’