• Jugendbücher

    Jump right into the next puzzle

I struggled a bit until I could really dive into the story but as soon as things got more heated (several dozen pages read), I was in the book’s grip and had to know how everything turns out. Jax, Han, Spider and Yas are completely different, but they are friends and share their love for puzzles. So of course, a puzzle is the main plot of this story but this one is nothing like all the others their Team Jericho has solved before. As they meet new challenges, they have to stand up for what they believe in, they have fights and have to reconcile, they have to face prejudice and an opposing strong puzzler team and last but not least, they might have a run-in with the law. It’s a book about friendship, change, - you guessed it – puzzles and new beginnings. Even though I’ve found one, two inconsistencies, I think it is a fun, thrilling and interesting story and worth a read.