After a family tragedy, Alice is forced to move to her grandmother June and her flower farm. There she learns the language of Australian native flowers, where each flower has meaning. They are used where words are too difficult to speak. Soon Alice finds that there are untold stories that can’t be expressed with flowers, but no one on the farm dares to reveal the truth. So she flees to find solace and her place in the world, only to find new stories that want to be told.
It is such a magnificent and endearing read, I believe this is one of my favourite books this year.
This book has everything a good story needs, a right-mount mixture of love, loss and betrayal. The author’s natural way of story-telling only adds to my love for this book, I dived right into the aboriginal historical stories and tales. I was mesmerized to read how deeply connected those tribes are with their homeland and ancestors.
I read this book after having watched the series on Prime, here I think the book and series complement each other nicely. Surely the other way around would work too.