What I absolutely loved about this book was Blue’s family. I loved the fact that it started off with this foretelling of Blue’s first kiss killing her one true love. Also, her family is a family of psychic women. How more awesome can it get?
Now, I have to admit, I adored Gansey immediately. He was great. It’s just his vibes. I thought him smart and funny and a very, very loyal friend and friendly and generous and handsome. I honestly think his friends did him wrong. How everyone always only talks about Gansey just to mention his money or how he seemed “condescending” … in my opinion, this was mentioned one too many times.
And Adam and Blue kind of disliked him just because of that reason.
This brings me to Adam. I didn’t really like Adam. He was so proud til the point that [spoiler] he lost his hearing and I didn’t like him with Blue, because he somehow seemed unauthentic.
Overall, I liked the story and the theme a lot but sometimes I had trouble following Maggie Stiefvater’s writing. Sometimes the characters suddenly stood in a scene at a different spot than I imagined them to be. This made the reading confusing to me. Also, I didn’t always get her meaning. By example [spoiler] when Adam tries to kiss Blue and Blue thinks: “It wasn’t supposed to be a kiss at all, but if it had, it definitely shouldn’t be like this”, p. 377. And I totally didn’t get the first part of the sentence. So, this made me feel like I missed crucial details of the non-verbal conversations and left me wondering if it was because of my English or the way Maggie Stiefvater wrote.
But all in all there’s absolutely no doubt that I will immediately buy all three of the remaining books. Especially since I read online that the second and third are more fan-favourites and that the relationship will spice up 😊