• Zum Artikel
  • Die zehn Lieben des Nishino

  • Hiromi Kawakami
  • Roman

  • Zum Artikel
  • Die zehn Lieben des Nishino

  • Hiromi Kawakami
  • Roman

That was a really weird read imo, I nearly DNF it but it’s a short book, and I kinda hoped for a big plottwist or something at the end, but no dice.
I’m sure it reads different in it’s original language and that a lot of the poetry and meaning got lost in translation, but I couldn’t take Nishino and most of the lovers serious.

All this wimpy whining and the problematic content, like mysoginistic, incestuous and rape-y context of the situations, got on my last nerve. I can tell it’s meant to be a very deep and insightful story by the writing of it which I liked, but the content of the story was just not living up to it and just grossed me out a lot.

It’s a nope from me, sadly.