We once again travel back to Hogwarts, into the world of witches and wizards. In a world in which Harry Potter fits in perfectly, the second year in the school for wizards begins soon. After the destruction of the philosopher’s stone Harry and his friends, Ron and Hermione can concentrate on their education and daily life at school.
At first, everything seems normal until a rumour spreads that a secret chamber of horror has been opened. No one knows who opened it or where this chamber is. When students begin to have accidents, no one doubts that it could be connected. These occurrences put everyone at Hogwarts at risk, and nobody is safe anymore. Harry and his friends try to find out what this chamber of secrets really is and in the end, Harry finds out that the one who should not be named is still on the hunt. Getting stronger and stronger.
I found it very interesting how the story has developed so far, I can’t wait to read more about Harry Potters’s adventure in and about magic.