A beautiful, collectible new hardback edition of one of the greatest fantasy novels of the past decade. The Dark Lord is dead, and now a new world can be built. The acclaimed epic commercial fantasy published for the first time in the UK.
**** The Dark Lord is dead, and now a new world can be built.
The impossible has happened. The Lord Ruler is dead has been vanquished. But so too is Kelsier the man who masterminded the triumph. The awesome tas...
Tysyachu let sushchestvuet Poslednyaya imperiya, upravlyaemaya bessmertnym i neuyazvimym lordom-pravitelem, edinstvennym bogom i vlastitelem etogo mira. Tysyachu let nazad on pobedil v skhvatke nevedomuyu Bezdnu, grozivshuyu unichtozhit' vse zhivoe, i, poluchiv ogromnuyu silu, porabotil mir, vmesto ...