My expectations were not very high because reading several critics and being slightly disappointed by the last book The Missing Sister, yet I would attribute it 3.5 stars and not solely 3. The Story of Pa Salt is threading all the bits and pieces of the seven other books together and allows the reader to fly through the story, thinking about how it all fits in the greater scheme. The writing is fluid and has less repetitive idioms which have striken me in The Missing Sister. For a seasoned reader, the story was fairly predictable. Kreeg Eszu (don’t google that surname, it doesn’t exist) has gotten the nemesis of Atlas (Pa Salt) in childhood, despite them living as brothers. Instead of facing and accepting the truth, Kreeg Eszu has gotten to great length to make Atlas’ life unbearable and an endless source of pain and loss. From that perspective, the fundaments of the storylines are a bit thin, adding to the many clichés of Atlas’ background and family legacy. Considered in a bigger scheme the relevation about Atlas at the end of the story is a bizarre, maybe even toxic-like personality trait of him who unwillingly hurts people around him to protect the people he loves. Yet he remains the same throughout the eight novels, Pa Salt, looking over his beloved daughters, now reunited. All in all, I enjoyed reading the book, it’s a good summer read, as you dive into it and struggle to come out again. On the one hand, the story clearly lacks a bit of depth, which might have made it even more worthwhile reading. Yet on the other end, I’m sure that Lucinda Riley, as her main character Pa Salt, will live on through her novels.
The final conclusive story concerns Pa Salt, a wealthy man’s quest to do well worldwide. On his journey, he discovers that his fate was laid out a long time ago. If I would describe this book with one word, it would be magnificent, the author has really thought of everything to deliver a conclusive story. There are not many series that can keep me hooked with every book, the same happened with the previous volumes about the seven sisters. Honestly, I couldn’t stop reading, in case I would miss something or lose the flow. Heartwarmingly written, the style we all love from Lucinda Riley and transformed perfectly by her son. Over the years many clues were mentioned, prophecies even, and now we finally get the long-sought answers.
Auf bestellen
Lucinda Riley, Harry Whittaker
Fremdsprachige Bücher
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