"As Solace opens, we meet a Northern Ontario family in crisis: their rebellious teenage daughter, Rose, has disappeared. Weeks have passed with no word, but still Rose's little sister, Clara, keeps a daily vigil at the living-room window, hoping that Rose will come back. Feisty and fierce, Clara is ...
Set in the frozen north of Canada in 1972, this is a beautiful Booker Prize longlisted novel about painful histories that need reckoning with and the moments in life when we can change for the better. 'I've been telling everyone I know about Mary Lawson . . . Each of her...
Polnyy chuvstv, nezhnosti, myagkoy ironii roman o sem'e, o vstrechah i rasstavaniyah, o poteryah i obreteniyah, no prezhde vsego - o lyubvi i o predannosti blizkim. YUnaya buntarka Roza propala, ee mladshaya sestra Klara provodit dni u okna, nadeyas' uvidet', kak ta vozvrashchaetsya. Devochka nablyu...