First published in 1894, "Pan" is one of Norwegian author and Nobel prize-winning Knut Hamsun's most famous works. It is the story of Lieutenant Thomas Glahn, an ex-military man who lives alone in a hut in the woods with his faithful dog Aesop. Glahn's life changes when he meets Edvarda, a merchant'...
Pan (1894) by Knut Hamsun who won the 1920 Nobel Prize in Literature, is a multi-layered psychological masterpiece of human perversity and pride in the face of love and sensual attraction. Romantically awkward hunter, fisherman and nature-lover Lieutenant Thomas Glahn lives in a cabin away from soci...
Pan is an 1894 novel by Norwegian author Knut Hamsun. He wrote it while living in Paris and in Kristiansand, Norway. It remains one of his most famous works. Lieutenant Thomas Glahn, a hunter and ex-military man, lives alone in a hut in the forest with his faithful dog Aesop. Upon meeting Edvarda, t...
Panes una exploración evocadora de la soledad, la naturaleza y la turbulencia emocional del deseo humano. Knut Hamsun se adentra en la mente del teniente Thomas Glahn, un hombre solitario que vive en la naturaleza del norte de Noruega y desarrolla una relación compleja y destructiva con Edvarda, una...
In questi ultimi giorni, non ho fatto che pensare all'interminabile giorno dell'estate al capo Nord. Me ne sto qui, in casa, solo soletto, mi fisso in quel pensiero e mi torna in mente la capanna, dove abitavo, dietro la quale frondeggiava la foresta. Per ammazzare il tempo e procurarmi uno svago, t...
Pan is an evocative exploration of isolation, nature, and the emotional turbulence of human desire. Knut Hamsun delves into the mind of Lieutenant Thomas Glahn, a solitary man living in the wilderness of northern Norway, who forms a complex and destructive attachment to Edvarda, a woman from a nearb...
One of Knut Hamsun's most famous works, "Pan" is the story of Lieutenant Thomas Glahn, an ex-military man who lives alone in the woods with his faithful dog Aesop. Glahn's life changes when he meets Edvarda, a merchant's daughter, whom he quickly falls in love with. She, however, is not entirely fai...
'When the snow water had broken crevices open in the mountain a shot or even just a sharp cry was enough to tear loose a huge slab and send it toppling.'
Lieutenant Thomas Glahn spends a summer in northern Norway, where the midnight sun triggers a short but intense release of energies. L...
'When the snow water had broken crevices open in the mountain a shot or even just a sharp cry was enough to tear loose a huge slab and send it toppling.'
Lieutenant Thomas Glahn spends a summer in northern Norway, where the midnight sun triggers a short but intense release of energies. L...
El nobel noruego escribió Pan mientras vivía en París. Fuertemente influenciado por Dostoievski, es ante todo una obra de gran belleza y sencillez que se puede experimentar en muchos niveles. Al comentar sobre su trabajo en progreso, Knut Hamsun dijo: «Mi nuevo libro será hermoso; tiene lugar en Nor...