Deep in the woods of Maine, there is a dark state facility where kids, abducted from across the United States, are incarcerated. In the Institute they are subjected to a series of tests and procedures meant to combine their exceptional gifts - telepathy, telekinesis - for concentrated ef...
“A big shank of a book that reminded me instantly of many of the reasons I loved (love?) [King]. His characters are the kind of people who hear the trains in the night. The music is always good. He swings low to the ground. He gets closer to the realities and attitudes of working-class life in...
As psychically terrifying as Firestarter, and with the spectacular kid power of It, The Institute is King's gut-wrenchingly dramatic story of good vs. evil in a world where the good guys don't always win.
From #1 New York Times bestselling author Stephen King whose "storytelling transcends genre" (Newsday) comes "another winner: creepy and touching and horrifyingly believable" (The Boston Globe) about a group of kids confronting evil.
In the middle of the night, in a house on a quiet stree...
Esche nedavno u dvenadtsatiletnego Lyuka Ellisa byla vpolne privychnaya zhizn': shkola, obedy s roditelyami v lyubimoj pitstserii, vechera v kompanii luchshego druga… Poka odnim iyun'skim utrom on ne prosypaetsya v sobstvennoj komnate, vot tol'ko v nej net okon i nakhoditsya ona v tschatel'no ...
'It does everything you'd expect of a masterpiece - and it is one' Sunday Express 'Hums and crackles with delicious unease' Independent 'Captivating' The Sunday Times