A Curse So Dark and Lonely is a fantastic retelling of Beauty and the Beast. This book has an easy reading writing style and the pacing is great. I read this for a buddy read and I whenever I got to our markers, I found I couldn’t put the book down and so I read continuously past our arranged chapters.
The alternating first person POV of Harper and Rhen works well and readers are exposed to both characters thoughts and feelings.
I love the disability representation in this book. I think there needs to be more books that show characters with disabilities or chronic health problems/mental conditions. I adore how Harper isn’t defined by her condition, she doesn’t let it hold her back and is a fearless character.
I took a while to warm up to Rhen. He is definitely flawed and I like how the author is straightforward about his personality before the curse.
Grey is a great character (maybe my favorite). He is honorable, protective and often reserved. I liked how throughout the book you see small parts of his character slip and shine through the guard act! I am looking forward to see where he goes in the next book.
I highly recommend this book and I can’t wait to see what happens with the rest of the series.