I’m pretty sure this short story has got me out of my reading slump because it was a good read and so easy to find into the story and the tellings of a normal life.
I’ve read one book by the author before - ‘Small Things like These’ - which portrayed a similar feeling of following along ‘mundane’ lives. I really love this kind of storytelling as it just makes you think about your own life and how we use the time that’s given to us. You can relate to the characters and wonder how you would act in a similar situation.
As we ‘only’ get one view (Cathal’s) on the Friday that should have been their wedding day it depends on the reader’s own stance on men & women, on character and on life itself. I’ve read quite a few reviews who make it purely about misogyny. Those readers don’t think too highly of Cathal. But I’m sure that there’s also the ones that sympathise with him and think he’s right to think the way he does.
My opinion on it is, that yes, he seems to have misogynistic views, yet the lack of her POV makes it very one-sided and we don’t really see what she does or how she views the relationship.
What I’m trying to say is that we only know one side of the story. The woman may just as much be at fault for the relationship ending as Cathal. We don’t know how respectful or disrespectful she was towards him. We don’t know how selfish or caring she was.
On the whole, I really enjoyed this story, as it made me ponder life. Also, the style of writing is just beautiful! It’s poetic and still so easy to follow along.
A good book for a quick read with quite the impact still.