The story follows Jude and his 3 friends Willen, Malcolm and JB throughout their college years and later lifes, where at some point, the 3 recognize that they know very little about Jude’s past, only that he has no parents and something is wrong with his legs. Jude himself doesn’t want to share his past, and he has very good reasons for this. But page after page the readers will learn about it and his struggles he is facing now, his demons and how he sees himself. It’s not an easy journey, not at all, but worth every page.
When I read this novel, so many things were going through my mind, and sometimes, when I had put it aside for a few days, Jude and his companions were still lingering somewhere in my mind. It’s full of heart wrenching moments, but also hopeful. I loved how the author was able to describe the complicated feelings humans can have, frustrations, emotions and all kinds of love towards each other.
This book will rip your heart out, put it back in and cover the wound with a small bandaid in the most beautiful way.