Unlike his debut novel, ‘Thirteen Storeys’, where each chapter introduces a new character and story, ‘Deadly Business’ unfolds with a continuous storyline, a feature that kept me thoroughly engaged. Right from the start, I found myself deeply invested in the main character’s narrative journey. The whole story was wonderfully written, interesting, and Jonathan Sims truly has a talent for creating a picture through words. Sims’ storytelling prowess shines through, making ‘Deadly Business’ an immersive and unforgettable read.
However, despite my enthusiasm, I found myself compelled to dock one point from my review. At times, the narrative felt rushed, lacking the necessary buildup in certain key moments or chapters. While the story doesn’t leave you disoriented, it could have benefited from a more gradual unfolding.
Nevertheless, ‘Deadly Business’ remains a captivating ghost story, inviting readers to immerse themselves in its eerie world, provoking questions like, ‘What will become of me if I vanish?’